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[1] editorial design [2] book design and production [3] type design [4] writing [5] curation  [6] experimentation


01. Book Projects

Alice I   
An abridged, mutated, deformed typesetting of Alice Through the Looking Glass

Alice II
A jumbled edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, set to the plot of the Disney adaptation.


The Library of Babble
Collected books that together explore publishing, book editions, and printing formats

II. Print and Book Design

Horizon Magazine
Art and Literature publication

C. Appendix: Experiments, research, 
writing (and scraps)

‘Chasing Ghosts’
Exercises in transcription
‘Syntax in shapes’
A representation of English grammar through a system of shapes
‘Towards a poetics of experimental typography’
a paper (of sorts) on typography as a linguistic tool

Minuet Workshop
by Stephanie Jin

Minuet Workshop is a graphic design, research, and bookbinding practice. A book(ish), typ0graphic playground, this practice experiments with, explores, and playfully interrogates the intersections between graphic design, language, and literature.
